Monday, September 9, 2019

Renting a book or a movie

My thoughts: - Vijay Bhatt
I remember it was a great pleasure to go to a Video rental store.. spend 20 minutes deciding which movie to rent, bring the box-case to the cashier and learn " All copies are out, sorry! " Spend another 10 minutes to look for something.. and a guy walks in to return the movie you are looking for..! you get it.. feels good. You spent 1 hour to acquire a movie to watch for 115 minutes! Started the movie did not like it, ended up watching on TV PBS presentation of Nova!
Last weekend spent much of quality time on a Netflix movie recommended by a friend, after first 15 minutes- stopped it, we did not like it. Moved on to another recommended movie.. did not like it either.. finally, watched a documentary about Universe and Galaxies. Thanks for those recommendations we got enlightened instead of being entertained!!
Even in the times of Netflix the challenges are the same, the technology changed!
Do you think paper books will disappear after a decade? Just as what happened to VHS cassettes, CD, audio cassettes, DVD? Same will happen to paper books?
Going a local library or to Barnes and Noble and smell books is still a treat!
-Vijay Bhatt

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