Thursday, May 28, 2020

Flavor of words' uniqueness in each language

For Micro-Blog Posting April 15, 2020 by Vijay Bhatt:
Today I was trying musically compose a beautiful poem and tried to explain to a friend on the phone its meaning. After a few minutes of futile attempts to clearly convey the meaning, it clearly occurred to me that - some words cannot be translated with the same intensity and integrity of original language and writer's intent. The same feelings cannot always transcend from one language to another.
So, I decided to challenge my friends with a question ( to keep them busy ha ha!) Use your creativity and knowledge of multiple languages you know. List a unique word in one language which you think cannot perfectly transcend and translated with the exact same sensitivity, intensity, intent, and integrity in to another language.
This is not a quiz, just a linguistic aerobics. There is no perfect answer. Just a brainstorming session.
Please share such words. in your mother language, one in Hindi, and one English.
For example: I start with a word in Gujarati which I do not think can be translated in any other language perfectly. For example in Gujarati I love word ‘ લાગણી’ ( LAAGANNI simple meaning feelings, but it has much deeper and different flavors than just feelings). Similarly, Hindi, word - प्रज्ञा , in English word 'anecdotal'. I think each of these words are best used in their own native language. Other languages may not have EXACT EQUIVALENT word for these words. Go ahead and list words.
Note: I am actually appreciating uniqueness of each language, that each language has its own flavor and strength.
For Micro-Blog Posting April 15, 2020 by Vijay Bhatt

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